Mar 14

Taiwan Outlook – A Cross cultural Lawyer in New Zealand – Part 2

汪君尊律師出身台灣,是奧克蘭皇家律師事務所的董事、首席律師及創始人。她的跨文化背景,在紐西蘭這個移民國家,為台灣、亞洲及不同族裔提供專業的法律諮詢和協助。台大政治系唸到大三時,汪君尊移民紐西蘭,落地生根迄今18年,但她心中最牽掛、最驕傲的,依然是台灣。她在當地積極參與研討會、主持電視及電台節目,不只分享法律知識,也把台灣美食和台灣之美,讓更多紐西蘭朋友知道。汪君尊是專業又忙碌的律師,更是台紐之間的親善大使。 There is a growing Taiwanese population in New Zealand. More and more Taiwanese students are going to New Zealand for working holiday. On the edition of Taiwan Outlook, Ms. Royal Reed, who is the director, principal, and founder of Prestige Lawyers in Auckland, shares her experiences as a legal professional from Taiwan working and living in New Zealand.

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